Making the case as to why you should hire a Personal Marketing Assistant
No business owner can (or for that matter should) do everything by themselves. Being able to trust your team to help you reach your goals is an extremely important aspect of growing your business. That is why every business and every business owner should have a personal marketing assistant.
Utilizing marketing assistants who can help you plan, place, and optimize your marketing strategies is a vital part of growing your business. Why might you ask? Because they can offer breakdowns and reports of progress of the campaign at a much quicker pace, and give you the important facts at the end of the day. This allows you to still know what is going on with your marketing budget, but more importantly focus on the other areas of running your business.
Still Not Convinced? Why Every business needs a personal marketing assistant
You need to realize that no matter how great of a business owner or entrepreneur you are, there will come a point when you are unable to market your business as well as you should. It’s not your fault, but it is just because of the sheer number of projects you will have to undertake. And for that matter why should you continue to market your business? Because Marketing IS what moves a business forward!
What can a personal marketing assistant do for your business?
That is easy in fact we broke it down into Six Simple Things.
- Marketing Assistants are Cost Effective!
I think we can all agree that marketing agencies are overrated. They cost too much money, and do not work enough hours to justify the cost! That is why here at MarketKeep we have designed our business to be have all the resources a marketing agency offers, but at the cost of a marketing assistant. So in essence a marketing assistant keeps expenses low.
- They Work Remotely…so they can’t annoy you as much
It is 2017 people! Not everyone has to work in the office from 9-5. Most marketing initiatives can be done remotely, or from a close distance. That way if you do need them, they will be there for you to come in, but for the most part they can work from home or their work space.
- Free Time….Vacation as a Entrepreneur really?
That’s right! By selecting a marketing assistant that is well versed in your industry, and understands your goals you can begin to rest and think of other projects you want to tackle!
- Focus on the Essentials…You know the ones that keep you afloat
Just like more free time, hiring a marketing assistant allows you to focus on the essentials which is sales; or customer satisfaction
- Eliminates Stress….well some of it.
Takes things off your plate, allows you to tackle other projects, you see the trend developing! What are you waiting for contact a marketing assistant today!
- Staying Organized…and moving forward
By working with a marketing assistant they are helping you organize your story to the world, while you can focus on keeping the entire business organized.
Ready for a personal marketing assistant? Contact MarketKeep
If you think you are ready for a personal marketing assistant Contact MarketKeep today to see how we can help.