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SEO For Roofing Companies

It’s time to start having your website work for you.

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SEO for Roofing Companies

Your website should be your top-performing sales rep each month. As the owner of a roofing company you need a reliable marketing and sales tool that can help generate website traffic that coverts into phone calls, contact form submissions, and set appointments. SEO for Roofing companies accomplishes this goal. At MarketKeep, our small business SEO services prioritize connecting you with your customers in the moments that matter most to them. So whether they are searching for a roof replacement near me or roof repair near me your potential customers can find you. 

What Does SEO for Roofing Companies Look Like?

At MarketKeep, the digital marketing agency for small businesses, we partner with Roofing Companies throughout the United States on their search engine optimization campaigns. Our main objective? To help o you to plan, place, and optimize your website so that each page of your site ranks on the 1st page of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. 

By breaking down search engine optimization into three distinct categories: Local SEO, On-Page SEO, and Off-Page SEO, you will find that managing your SEO campaign has never been easier. 

Local SEO

Local SEO is crucial for roofers because it directly targets the customers who are most likely to convert into clients. Here are key reasons why Local SEO should be one of your top priorities when it comes to SO For roofing companies.

  1. Relevance: Nearly half (46%) of all Google searches are tied to local information. This means that potential customers are actively searching for services near them. Roofers who optimize their online presence will be more visible to these local customers.
  2. Immediate Impact: A whopping 88% of local searches lead to a call or visit within 24 hours. Being present in local search results increases the chances of converting these highly motivated searchers into actual clients.
  3. Optimized Listings: By ensuring that your company is visible on platforms like Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, and other citation websites, you provide customers with essential information such as contact details, hours, and customer reviews. This builds trust and streamlines their decision-making process, making them more inclined to choose your roofing services.
  4. Competitive Edge: Many roofers overlook the value of local SEO. By leveraging these tools and statistics, you position your business above competitors who haven’t optimized their listings, giving you a significant advantage in capturing local market share.

As you can see, local SEO is pivotal for roofers because it makes sure you are visible and accessible to potential clients actively searching for your services, leading to more calls, visits, and ultimately, more business.

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO helps roofers ensure that their website aligns with both search engine algorithms and customer search intent. Here are a few reasons why its so important:

  1. Keyword Relevance: By identifying and using the right SEO keywords and search phrases, your website is more likely to rank higher for terms that your target audience uses when seeking roofing services. This precision helps ensure you’re visible to those actively searching for your offerings.
  2. Content Marketing Strategy: Through a strategic content marketing approach, you can tailor your website’s information to resonate with your specific audience. This means not only targeting the services your roofing company offers but also the geographical areas where you’d like to expand your customer base. This approach aligns your website with user intent, ensuring that visitors find the information they need and are more inclined to engage with your business.
  3. Search Engine Algorithms: On-page SEO optimizes meta tags, headings, and content structure, making your site easier for search engines like Google to crawl and index. This improves your rankings, leading to increased visibility for potential clients searching for roofing services.
  4. Higher Conversion: An optimized on-page SEO strategy helps provide clear and relevant information to website visitors. This makes it easier for them to understand your services and contact you, leading to higher conversion rates from website traffic to actual leads.

On-Page SEO puts your business in front of potential customers at the most opportune moments, attracts quality leads, and ultimately converts more of them into clients.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO helps roofers build credibility and authority for their website and business. Off Page SEO helps to engineer: 

  1. Authoritative Presence: Companies on Google’s first page are considered authoritative by the search engine, and this status significantly increases their credibility among potential customers. By building an authoritative presence through off-page SEO, your roofing business can achieve higher rankings and visibility.

  2. High-Quality Backlinks: Securing backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites signals to search engines that your website is a trusted source of information. This trust is crucial for roofing companies, as customers are more likely to choose a roofer who appears knowledgeable and reputable. Quality backlinks enhance your search engine ranking and ensure your site is perceived as an industry leader.

  3. Positive Reviews: Online reviews have a substantial influence on purchasing decisions. An off-page SEO campaign that includes generating positive reviews can enhance your business’s authoritativeness. These reviews not only improve trustworthiness but also provide fresh, user-generated content that boosts search engine rankings.

  4. Competitive Advantage: By cultivating backlinks and positive reviews, your roofing company can stand out against competitors that lack strong off-page optimization. This gives you an edge in reaching new clients who are searching for trusted roofing services.

By creating a reputable website through building valuable backlinks and generatingpositive reviews online, Off-Page SEO can help you to appear higher in search engine rankings and generate trust with potential customers online.

In the screenshot showing the Google Search Result for roofers near me, there are two places where Google will place a roofing company organically. The first is what is called the Google 3-Pack. This is the first three businesses that Google will showcase organically on Google Maps. To get into the top 3 a roofer must focus on local SEO including claiming and verifying local listings and generating positive reviews online. 

The second place is within the first eight slots organically. For a website to appear within the top 8 search results a roofing company must focus on on-page SEO and off-page SEO. 

Example of a Google Search Result for roofers near me

What Types of Results Should I Be Looking For? SEO For Roofing Companies

When a business owner invests in SEO for roofing companies there are few things the business should be on the watch out for. The first one is easy, an obvious increase in organic traffic. The website should climb higher in search engine rankings and appear in search results for relevant keywords to the business. By appearing higher in search and driving more traffic to the website the business should also generate more qualified leads. As SEO for roofing companies begins to work it will inevitably start to deliver more phone calls, contact form submissions, and appointments book. 

Example of Google Analytics Traffic for Roofers

Increase in Website Traffic

A tell-tail sign of SEO that is working well is an increase in overall website traffic.

SEO For Roofing Companies: Google Search Console

Better Engagement in Search

Higher Rankings in Search Will Lead To Better Engagement Online.

Google Business Profile Interactions with SEO

Higher Visibile on Google Maps

Better SEO Leads To Better Placement in Google Maps helping to drive more qualified phone calls to your roofing business.

Ready to See Where Your Website Ranks? 

Find out where you rank online, what keywords you should be using, and what your competitor’s SEO campaign looks like.

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 Built Around Your Budget & Needs. SEO Packages for Small Business.

At MarketKeep we pride ourselves on being the digital marketing agency for small businesses. That is why we don’t just offer template-based small business SEO packages. Rather we customize each SEO campaign to fit your budgets, needs, and aspirations. Below you will find examples of our SEO packages for small businesses, but remember each campaign is custom designed. So if you are looking for an SEO plan that works and fits within your budget, make sure to give us a call or fill out the contact form below!

The Foundation

The Foundation SEO package is built for small business owners who are looking to maximize their search visibility locally. If you have a local business like a shop or offer a service within a defined radius, The Foundation SEO package will connect you with your customers in the moments that matter most.

Best for: Local Businesses.

The Framework

The Framework SEO package is our most popular SEO package for small business owners. Designed to dominate both local SEO and the organic search results page, the Framework SEO package will increase your search visibility across the board. By combining the power of Local SEO which is everything contained within our Framework Package our SEO team will work with you to optimize each individual page of your website so that each page of your website ranks higher, and importantly generates more relevant traffic to your website 

Best for: Local Businesses, 1st page guarantee. 

The All-In SEO Package

You are ready to dominate search results across the board. Whether you are taking your local business from a 15-mile radius to a state level, or want to appear in search results on a regional or national level, the All-In SEO package is geared to do exactly that. By combining all three SEO strategies: local SEO, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO the All In SEO Package will make sure that you dominate any type of search.


Best for: State, Regional, and National Brands. 

What Can I Expect from Your SEO Company for Roofing Companies? 

As an SEO Company for Roofing Companies, we believe our SEO services, like all of our marketing strategies, should create a long-lasting impact for your business. By focusing on selecting the right SEO keywords for your business, developing positive reviews online, and gaining backlinks to your website from high-quality domain links, we will not only generate more website traffic to your business but help to establish a sales funnel with high converting leads. 

The team at MarketKeep is committed to getting your business to the 1st page of search results because that is where the conversions are. In fact, 47% of all website clicks go to the top 3 rankings on search engine results pages, and 90% of all clicks happen on the 1st page of search results. 

If you are a roofing company owner and are looking to partner with an SEO company for roofing companies that will help take your business to the next level, contact MarketKeep. Not only will we provide you with a free analysis of your search engine optimization strategy, but provide you with a roadmap to how our company can grow your roofing business. 

Ready to See Where Your Website Ranks? 

Find out where you rank online, what keywords you should be using, and what your competitor’s SEO campaign looks like.

Why Partner with MarketKeep? 


We send you a weekly SEO report showing your keywords and past & current rankings. So you can always check our work.

Customer Growth

We provide your business with the exposure it deserves online by increasing your ranking on search engines like Google and Bing.


Friendly Commitments

We don’t force our customers into lengthy contracts. Give us three months and then it’s month to month commitments.


Content Creation

Dominate the SERP’s with relevant, strategic content that creates a positive, lasting impression.

SEO Audits

We provide in-depth SEO audits that create a complete comprehensive roadmap to victory.

SEO In-House

All of our SEO efforts are done in-house. There are no short-cuts or short-comings with your SEO strategy.

93% of all online consumers start their web experience with a search.

Google makes up 75% of all online searches globally. 

What is SEO or Search Engine Optimization Anyway?

According to Moz.com, SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. So to help further understand how SEO can help your business, you need to understand three important components: the quality and quantity of website traffic, and the importance of organic results.

  • Quality of Traffic. You can attract all the website visitors in the word, but if they are coming to your website because they think you are an Apple Store when really you are a farmer who sells Apples in his store, is that really quality traffic? Your website needs to attract visitors who are genuinely interested in the products you offer. 
  • Quantity of Traffic. Once you have the right people clicking through to your website from those search result pages, the more traffic the better!
  • Organic Results. Your website traffic needs to be organic, Google Adwords and Social Media Paid campaigns do not count towards your SEO search ranking.

So here are three key components to building a strong SEO presence online and how to boost your overall performance

  • First, you need to build a website that search engines can crawl and find it. Your website will need to load fast, be secure (have an SSL Certificate), and mobile-friendly.
  • Second, you need to build unique content. Each page of your website should be unique, remarkable, and optimized for SEO. 
  • Third, you need references. You must commit to building online citations, links, and generating references from websites with strong domain authority or are considered industry leading experts. So contact us today to get started on your SEO strategy. 

Call: (410) 600-3156

Need help with SEO? Contact our team today.

Why work with MarketKeep

Honest People

From your first interaction with MarketKeep, it will be apparent that we just want to help. We make sure to be upfront and honest in our approach, transparent in our reporting, and always be there to answer your call or email.

Fully Integrated

From start to finish MarketKeep will plan, place, and optimize your search engine optimization campaigns. Our team of SEO Experts will manage the day to day activities, which enable you to focus on the big picture and interacting with your customers. We make sure each week to send a recap report to you, and make ourselves available to meet when you need us.

We Get Small Business

MarketKeep is geared for small businesses and start-ups because we are a small business. Our budgets are designed with you in mind, so you partner with a top digital marketing agency that operates on a marketing assistant budget.

Ready to Get Started? Schedule Your Free SEO Meeting Today

Review the performance of your website with a MarketKeep SEO professional during your free 1-hour SEO evaluation. Review your Local SEO results, On-Page SEO Results, Off-Page SEO Results, and even compare your website traffic to that of your competitors.